Bar/Restaurant With Limited Wine List

Things being what they are, the point at which you’re faced with a choice about what to drink at a restaurant/Bogie\’s Bar without a full wine menu, what do you do? A couple of considerations: Accept that wine may be your first decision, however instead request lager. The brew is as various an industry as wine, and something I’ve developed to appreciate myself. On the off chance that you view yourself as somebody who avoids brew, ask the bartender for something light, not hoppy. It’s the lager’s bounces that go into a brew that give it that yeasty, brew like the taste and make it hard to drink. And, nourishment accompanies lager great, not at all like many cocktails. If you want a glass of wine, arrange it with sustenance. It will make it more drinkable. I would not suggest these wines as tasting wines. Ask for sangria, where the wine will have been blended with different fixings including rum and natural product. I’ve never had bad sangria. Merely be careful it’s not artificially made with syrups behind the bar. You want something that’s been bleeding for hours. I should add that a few bars offer restricted, however high, wine determinations. How would you know? The wine will be recorded alongside its vintage (year) and maker (winery). I give the green light on requesting from such a rundown. If you don’t have this information, and regardless of whether the scene offers more varietals (Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir are popular), I would avoid requesting the wine. Try a little yourself, see what you like. As we’ve said before, great wine is one that you appreciate, not one that another person instructs you to drink. Bogie’s Bar has a selection of wines in Westlake Village.

Directions To Our Westlake Village, CA Bar Restaurant Services.


32001 Agoura Rd,
Westlake Village, CA, 91361
Phone: (818) 889-2394


Posted in Food and Drink

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